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Rector of Revesby Anglican Church
Andrew Lim
As I reflect on my DRP journey so far, I was this morning reminded of the bonds of brotherhood that are being built as our cohort undertakes this program together. I met James Brooks for the first time at Boot Camp. James made the connection straight away that his parents are neighbours to the Drew’s, long-term members of St Mark’s Revesby where I minister. He shared of his hope that...
Bishop of South Sydney region
Michael Stead
Participating in a Ministry Growth Cluster when I was Rector of a church has been a fantastic opportunity to learn from other local ministers and work together at lifting our game in key areas of congregational life. Our Growth Cluster has spurred me to implement a number of significant and beneficial changes at church.
Rector All Saints, North Rockhampton
Tom Henderson-Brooks
2015 will be my 25th year of full-time ordained ministry in Sydney. When my staff team describes what they do, my response is often “…and I do the rest!” Ministry is so varied, so demanding, so taxing and yet it is so what I believe God wants me to be doing! Belonging to a small accountable Ministry Cluster for the last year with Pete Mayrick has been fantastic. He has...